Evan Lian — TARDIS song…

чисто на слух. Попадается и бред полный, но лучше у меня слуха нету)

my lady in tardis lovely so blue
you stole my heart and i stole of you
my lady in tardis you all i need
So would you please promise to stay with me

I’m lonley old so
Oh, i’m traveling the stars alone
In over love, eah I leave behind
wont matter no more with you
Right by my side

Oh my sweat doctor, i’m death on the star
I’ve seen the air cheap away at your heart
don’t you be better to??? (тут по идее какой-то глагол, которого я не знаю)
don’t you be crossed
Where there is love < there were always be lost

You’re lonely old so
You’re traveling the stars on your own
In over love, eah you leave behind
wont matter no more with me
Right by your side

I’m lonely old so
Oh, i’m traveling the stars alone
In over love, eah I leave behind
wont matter no more with you
Right by my side

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