Miss Dalek — do you wanna fly the tardis


(little amy)
do you wanna fly the tardis?
c’mon, let’s go away
I’ve never seen you anymore
I’m waiting for
your spaceship crash again
we used to be best buddies
but now you’re gone
I wish you would tell me why
do you wanna fly the tardis
c’mon let’s fly the tardis

okay bye

do you wanna fly the tardis?
and see new planets everywhere
I missed your company
I’m sorry for
making you waiting all this long
it wasn’t fair (oops)
we were very lonely
but now we’re not
take my hand and we’ll run away
(tardis’ sound)

(grown up amy)
hey, I know you’re out there
probably asking where we’ve been
I’m writing to you
and I’m asking that
you don’t be lonely
like you used to be
we travelled a lot back there
and now we can’t
but I wanted you to know
so, you wanna fly the tardis?

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