Calvin Harris — I Need Your Love (ft. Ellie Goulding)

I need your love, I need your timeWhen everything’s wrong, you make it rightI feel so high, I come aliveI need to be free with you tonightI need your loveI need your loveI take a deep breath every time I pass your doorI know you’re there but I can’t see you anymoreAnd that’s the reason you’re in the darkI’ve been a stranger ever since we fell apartAnd I feel so helpless hereWatch my eyes are filled with fearTell me, do you feel the same?Hold me in your arms againI need your love, I need your timeWhen everything’s wrong, you make it rightI feel so high, I come aliveI need to be free with you tonightI need your loveI need your loveNow I’m dreaming, will ever find you now?I walk in circles but I’ll never figure outWhat I mean to you, do I belong?I try to fight this, but I know I’m not that strongAnd I feel so helpless hereWatch my eyes are filled with fearTell me, do you feel the same?Hold me in your arms againI need your love, I need your timeWhen everything’s wrong, you make it rightI feel so high, I come aliveI need to be free with you tonightI need your loveI need your loveAll the years, all the timesYou were never been to blameAnd now my eyes are openAnd now my heart is closingAnd all the tears, all the lies, all the wasteI’ve been trying to make it changeAnd now my eyes are openI need your love, I need your timeWhen everything’s wrong, you make it rightI feel so high, I come aliveI need to be free

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