Calvin Harris — My Way

Why wait to say, at least I did it my wayLie awake, two facedBut in my heart I understandI made my move and it was all about youNow I feel so far removedYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, my way, my wayWhy wait to say, at least I did it my wayLie awake, two facedBut in my heart I understandI made my move and it was all about youNow I feel so far removedYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, my way, my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayYou were the one thing in my wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh wayMy way, oh way, oh way, oh way

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