twenty one pilots — Jumpsuit

(twenty one pilots):Cover me(twenty one pilots):I can’t believe how much I hatePressures of a new place roll my wayJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover meJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover meI crumble underneath the weightPressures of a new place roll my wayJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover meJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me(twenty one pilots):Spirits in my room, friend or foe? Felt it in my youth, feel it when I’m oldJumpsuit, jumpsuit. Cover meDusting off my jumpsuit, cover me(twenty one pilots):I can’t believe how much I hatePressures of a new place roll my wayJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover meJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me(twenty one pilots):I’ll be right thereBut you’ll have to grab my throat and lift me in the airIf you need anyone, I’ll stop my plansBut you’ll have to tie me down and then break both my handsIf you need anyone, I’ll be right thereBut you’ll have to grab my throat and lift me in the airIf you need anyoneIf you need anyone. If you need anyoneIf you need anyone. If you need anyoneIf you need anyone. If you need anyone(twenty one pilots):I can’t believe how much I hatePressures of a new place roll my wayJumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover meOh, jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me, ohh!(twenty one pilots):Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me!Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me!

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