Sasha Sloan — Keep On

Started crawling in my skinLooking for a way outI can feel it happeningSo I talk myself down’Cause right nowThe walls are starting to cave inSometimes, I wish I was somebody elseWhen my mind starts misbehavingIs when I tell myselfOkay, baby, you’ll be okayYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onRolling even on the bad daysYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onEvery time I run awayIt catches up somehowBut I’ve been learning what to saySo I talk myself down’Cause right nowThe walls are starting to cave inSometimes, I wish I was somebody elseWhen my mind starts misbehavingIs when I tell myselfOkay, baby, you’ll be okayYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onRolling even on the bad daysYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onYou just gotta keep on breathingEven when your lungs have run out of airOkay, baby, you’ll be okayYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep on (Just gotta keep on)Keep, gotta keep on, you just gotta keep on (Just gotta keep on)Keep, gotta keep on, you just gotta keep onThe walls are starting to cave inSometimes, I wish I was somebody elseWhen my mind starts misbehavingIs when I tell myselfOkay, baby, you’ll be okayYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onRolling even on the bad daysYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep onYou just gotta keep on breathingEven when your lungs have run out of airOkay, baby, you’ll be okayYou just gotta keep, gotta keep onYou just gotta keep on (Just gotta keep on)Keep, gotta keep on, you just gotta keep on (Just gotta keep on)Keep, gotta keep on, you just gotta keep on

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