Ending Quest — Vlad Tepes

Curse the gods
and drink the blood that flows from the cross
Hunt across the Carpathians
and enslave your servants

Undead legion
marching in the name of the Antichrist
Carve a path of blood through the dark age
and burn Europe

Vlad Tepes
Impaler of men
Undead tyrant
Kaziklu bey

The blood will flow like rain from the sky
when the dark warlord is fed
No mortal man can stand stand against him
and the legions of the undead

Vlad Tepes
Impaler of men
Undead tyrant
Kaziklu bey

The blood will flow like rain from the sky
when the dark warlord is fed
No mortal man can stand stand against him
and the legions of the undead

In horror muslims fled
Before the sight of rotting corpses
20,000 were impaled

A slow and agonizing death
The impaled decay in rows
The undead lord’s victorious
and leaves them rotten to the crows

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