Crysalys — Lilium

Staring eyes, blessed by the lies Of an ancient darkness you’re the keeper and it’s gently soul Lake of life, white wedding in your deep Laying down, awaiting her destiny

Whispering through the damned forest
On leaves and flowers she sleeps
Let the white lady sleep
Pure is her name and pure is her skin

Auratum Lilium

Through the flames you danced and smiled
Through the flames you died and cried out
Turned apart, body and soul
Then remained, ashes and cold

Auratum Lilium!
Ray of Light and Night…

A painted angel in a fairytale
A witch called to death today

She received the life again from the crows
Burning both body and soul
Listen well, her voice calls…

So I’ve seen through the trees
The fog is vanishing…

I’ve slept a moment, an eternity
I’ve felt the breath of my Father Wind
I’ve seen the sky falling through the leaves
I’ve died for Him

I’ve dreamed a moment, an eternity
I’ve felt the breath of the Mother Earth
I’ve seen a red child running up fallen leaves
I’ve died and cried for him


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