Ava Max — Freaking Me Out

Empty mansion, in the rain just off the coastIs the vibe now, that I feel inside my soulLike a spider, there’s a web that you have woveThere’s a heart now, where there used to be a ghostAnd ooh, yeah it’s making me uneasyNow I hear sounds in the hallwayRocking chairs are moving on their ownI’m falling for youSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking meThere’s a silence, in the woods after it snowsThat’s the vibe now, of the piece inside my soulLike a spider, there’s a web that you have woveThere’s a heart now, where there used to be a ghostAnd ooh, yeah it’s making me uneasyNow I hear sounds in the hallwayRocking chairs are moving on their ownI’m falling for youSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking meSounds in the hallwayRocking chairs are moving on their ownI’m falling for youSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking meDo, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, doo, doDo, do, doo, doDo, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, do, doo, doo, doDo, do, doo, doScary but it’s beautifulSounds in the hallwayRocking chairs are moving on their ownI’m falling for youSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSounds in the hallwayRocking chairs are moving on their ownI’m falling for youSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me outSo much so that it’s freaking me

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