Shahzoda — All alone

Teardrops are all over
I wish that you get closer
Around me
There’s nothing left, left, left
Ooh, I wonder
If maybe you’re thinking sometimes of me
I hope, I want, together, stop, stop, stop

All alone, all alone, all alone I feel tonight
All alone, all alone, all alone I’m out of sight
All alone, all alone, all alone I feel tonight
All alone, all alone, all alone I’m out of sight

Teardrops are all over
I wish that you get closer
Around me
There’s nothing left, left, left
Ooh, I wonder
If maybe you’re thinking sometimes of me
I hope, I want, together, stop, stop, stop

All alone, all alone, all alone I feel tonight
All alone, all alone, all alone I’m out of sight
All alone, all alone, all alone I feel tonight
All alone, all alone, all alone I’m out of sight

All alone, all alone, baby, baby
All alone, all alone I’m out of sight

All alone, all alone, all alone I feel tonight
All alone, all alone, all alone I’m out of sight

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