Gigi D’Agostino feat. Luca Noise — Beautiful

Beautiful, austere
But silent as the flower
This moon in broad daylight
I feel its night
And I would cry (cry) smile soon
My dream is on my moon
Love groove across my tune

Beautiful, austere
But silent as the flower
This moon in broad daylight
I feel its night
And I would cry (cry) smile soon
My dream is on my moon
Love groove across my tune

And I would smile
My dream is on my moon
My dream is on my moon
My dream is on my moon
And I would cry
My dream is on my moon
Love groove across my tune

Beautiful, austere
But silent as the flower
This moon in broad daylight
I feel its night
And I would cry (cry) smile soon
My dream is on my moon
Love groove across my tune

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