Gala — Freed from desire

Исполнитель: Gala

[Gala]:My love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no power, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no fame, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefs[Gala]:Want more and more, people just want more and moreFreedom and love, what he’s looking forWant more and more, people just want more and moreFreedom and love, what he’s looking for[Gala]:Freed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire[Gala]:My love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no power, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no fame, he’s got his strong beliefsMy love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefs[Gala]:Want more and more, people just want more and moreFreedom and love, what he’s looking forWant more and more, people just want more and moreFreedom and love, what he’s looking for[Gala]:Freed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire, mind and senses purifiedFreed from desire

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