rookie town — geo-now

We will break in the sunrise with hands drifting in the wind
Clutching at banks and waiting to begin again
Our toes danced on the river, now I want to go back home
And through the brush I wander, but at least I’m not alone
I think I’ll break in the dawn with one voice that echoes on

Our toes danced on the river, now I want to go back home
And through the brush I wander, but at least I’m not alone

Refuse to drift, refuse to fall in with the current
I’m still alive, and I’ll puncture your songs
But there is light in that mud in that riverbed
Now scrape out that mud and start again
Refuse to drift

Our toes danced on the river
Our toes danced on the river, but now I want to go back home
And through the brush I wander, but at least I’m not alone

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