Iron Maiden — The Nomad

The Nomad (оригинал Iron Maiden)
Кочевник (перевод Marian Hellequin из Петербурга)

Like a mirage riding on the desert sand
Как мираж, кочующий в песках пустыни,
Like a vision floating with the desert winds
Как виденье, летящее с ее ветрами,
Know the secret of the ancient desert lands
Знающий секреты древних пустынных земель,
You are the keeper of the mystery in your hands
Ты хранитель загадки в твоих руках.

Nomad rider of the ancient east
Кочевник, всадник древнего востока,
Nomad rider that men know the least
Кочевник, всадник, кого люди почти не знают,
Nomad where you came from no one knows
Кочевник, откуда ты, никто не знает,
Nomad where you go no one tells
Кочевник, куда ты, никто не говорит.

Undercover of the veil of your disguise
Закрытый вуалью своей маскировки,
The men that fear you are the one that you despise
Людей, что боятся тебя, ты презираешь.
No one’s certain what your future will behold
Никто не уверен, что в твоем будущем,
You’re a legend your own story will be told
Ты легенда, твою историю еще расскажут.

Nomad rider of the ancient east
Кочевник, всадник древнего востока,
Nomad rider that men know the least
Кочевник, всадник, кого люди почти не знают,
Nomad where you came from no one knows
Кочевник, откуда ты, никто не знает,
Nomad where you go no one tells
Кочевник, куда ты, никто не говорит.

No one dares to even look or glance your way
Никто не смеет взглянуть или отметить твой путь,
Your reputation goes before you they all say
Твоя репутация опережает тебя, все говорят.
Like a spirit that can disappear at will
Словно дух, что способен исчезать самовольно,
Many claim of the things but no one’s seen you kill
Но среди многих утверждений — никто не видел, как ты убиваешь.

Nomad, you’re the rider so mysterious
Кочевник, ты столь загадочный всадник,
Nomad, you’re the spirit that men fear in us
Кочевник, ты дух, которого люди боятся в нас,
Nomad, you’re the rider of the desert sands
Кочевник, ты всадник пустынных песков,
No man’s ever understood your genius
Никто из людей не поймет твоего гения.

Those who see you in horizon desert sun
Те, кто видит тебя на горизонте пустынного солнца,
Those who fear your reputation hide or run
Те, кто боятся твоей репутации, прячутся или убегают.
You send before you a mystique that’s all your own
Ты посылаешь перед собой тайну, свою собственность,
Your silhouette is a like a statue carved in stone
Твой силуэт — словно каменная статуя.

Nomad, you’re the rider so mysterious
Кочевник, ты столь загадочный всадник,
Nomad, you’re the spirit that men fear in us
Кочевник, ты дух, которого люди боятся в нас,
Nomad, you’re the rider of the desert sands
Кочевник, ты всадник пустынных песков,
No man’s ever understood your genius
Никто из людей не поймет твоего гения.

Legend has it that you speak an ancient tongue
Легенда утверждает, что ты говоришь на древнем языке,
But no one’s spoke to you and lived to tell the tale
Но никто не говорил с тобой и жил ради сказок.
Some they say that you have killed a hundred men
Кто-то говорит, что ты убил сотню человек,
Others say that you have died and live again
Кто-то говорит, что ты умер и ожил вновь.

Nomad, you’re the rider so mysterious
Кочевник, ты столь загадочный всадник,
Nomad, you’re the spirit that men fear in us
Кочевник, ты дух, которого люди боятся в нас,
Nomad, you’re the rider of the desert sands
Кочевник, ты всадник пустынных песков,
No man’s ever understood your genius
Никто из людей не поймет твоего гения.
Качество перевода подтверждено
The Nomad (Original Iron Maiden)
Nomad (Marian Hellequin Translation from St. Petersburg)

As a mirage, nomading in the sands of the desert,
Like A Vision Floating With The Desert Winds
As a vision, flying with its winds,
Know The Secret Of The Ancient Desert Lands
Knowing the secrets of ancient desert lands,
You are the Keeper of the Mystery in Your Hands
You are the keeper of the riddle in your hands.

Nomad Rider Of The Ancient East
Nomad, rider of the ancient East,
Nomad Rider That Men Know The Least
Nomad, rider whom people almost do not know
Nomad WHERE You Came From No One Knows
Nomad where you come from, no one knows
Nomad WHERE You Go No One Tells
Nomad, where you, no one says.

A closed veil of his disguise
The Men That Fear You Are The One That You Despise
People who are afraid of you, you despise.
NO One’s Certain What Your Future Will Behold
No one is sure that in your future,
You’re a Legend Your Own Story Will Be Told
You are a legend, your story will also tell.

Nomad Rider Of The Ancient East
Nomad, rider of the ancient East,
Nomad Rider That Men Know The Least
Nomad, rider whom people almost do not know
Nomad WHERE You Came From No One Knows
Nomad where you come from, no one knows
Nomad WHERE You Go No One Tells
Nomad, where you, no one says.

No One Dares To Even Look Or Glance Your Way
No one dares to look or celebrate your way
Your Reputation Goes Before You The All Say
Your reputation is ahead of you, everyone says.
Like A Spirit That Can Disappear AT WILL
Like the Spirit that is able to disappear by Self,
But among many statements — no one saw you kill.

Nomad, You’re The Rider So Mysterious
Nomad, you are so mysterious rider,
Nomad, You’re The Spirit That Men Fear In US
Nomad, you spirit, whom people are afraid of us,
Nomad, You’re The Rider Of The Desert Sands
Nomad, you are the rider of deserted sands,
No Man’s Ever Understood Your Genius
None of the people will understand your genius.

Those Whose See You in Horizon Desert Sun
Those who sees you on the horizon of the desert sun,
Those Who Fear Your Reputation Hide or Run
Those who are afraid of your reputation are hiding or run away.
You send in front of you a mystery, your property,
Your silhouette is like a stone statue.

Nomad, You’re The Rider So Mysterious
Nomad, you are so mysterious rider,
Nomad, You’re The Spirit That Men Fear In US
Nomad, you spirit, whom people are afraid of us,
Nomad, You’re The Rider Of The Desert Sands
Nomad, you are the rider of deserted sands,
No Man’s Ever Understood Your Genius
None of the people will understand your genius.

Legend Has It That You Speak An Ancient Tongue
Legend claims you are talking in ancient language,
But No One’s Spoke to You and Lived to Tell The Tale
But no one spoke with you and lived for fairy tales.
Some Say Say That You Have Killed a Hundred Men
Someone says you killed a hundred people
Someone says you died and came to life again.

Nomad, You’re The Rider So Mysterious
Nomad, you are so mysterious rider,
Nomad, You’re The Spirit That Men Fear In US
Nomad, you spirit, whom people are afraid of us,
Nomad, You’re The Rider Of The Desert Sands
Nomad, you are the rider of deserted sands,
No Man’s Ever Understood Your Genius
None of the people will understand your genius.
The quality of translation is confirmed

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