David Guetta & Sia — In flames

Oh, ohOne foot in front of the other babeOne right is to another yeahJust keep moving, ohLook when the fathersDoes enough for the voice to saidJust keep moving, ohGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, and don’t stop movingGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, you can do thisOh, my love, keep on runningYou gotta get to the deadThen my love, keep on runningGotta keep go stirs some fireOh, my love, don’t stop runningGonna send them up in flamesIn flamesDon’t stop the mountains another dayDon’t stop the more you feel the painJust keep movingDon’t stop the past that took you woundYou know, right now, never be enoughJust keep movingGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, and don’t stop movingGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, you can do thisOh, my love, keep on runningYou gotta get to the deadThen my love, keep on runningGotta keep go stirs some fireOh, my love, don’t stop runningGonna send them up in flamesIn flamesIn flamesIn flamesGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, and don’t stop movingGo, go, goFigure it out, figure it out, you can do thisOh, my love, keep on runningYou gotta get to the deadThen my love, keep on runningGotta keep go stirs some fireOh, my love, don’t stop runningGonna send them up in flamesIn flames

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