The Driver Era — Feel You Now

Way too loudCan you numb me out?Can you put me down?Days go roundBut tonight I come outGonna hunt you downI wanna know, wanna know, wanna know, wannaWhere you go, where you go, where you go, where youIs your blood too thick to fill my heart?A little more, little more, little more, littleI want it all, want it all, want it all, want itClose your eyes and surrender to meI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onYeah, yeahStay somehowNever give you upDo you have enough?Tell me how I could help you outI could hold you downWhen I see you cryingI see you lyingEven though it’s not next to meI wanna know, wanna know, wanna know, wannaWhere you go, where you go, where you go, where youIs your blood too thick to fill my heart?A little more, little more, little more, wannaI want it all, want it all, want it all, want itClose your eyes and surrender to meI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onYeah, yeahDon’t you see me crying?I like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onI like that I can feel you nowMaybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come onI like that I can feel you now(Don’t you see me crying?)Maybe we can love somehowBaby, you and me right nowBaby, come on, come on

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