Natalia Oreiro — United by love (Russia ЧМ 2018 — Наталья Орейро — Поднимите руки)

(Natalia Oreiro):Find your way, never lose your faithY lev?ntate otra vez, nunca dejes de creerIn this world la ilusi?n no va a caerLove will always take the throneWe are united by one love(Natalia Oreiro):С честью под единым небомПрозвучат напевомГолоса всех странToda Rusia se iluminaLlena de alegr?aIt`s your time to rise(Natalia Oreiro):Поднимите руки вверх (yeah)Put your hands upCome on, show your spiritAs? es la magia del mundial (yeah)Everyone around the world can feel itMake it the best game of your life (oh oh)Que la paz sea nuestra banderaNo hay fronteras, let’s unite (yeah)Hoy ganamos, todos somos unoUnited by love(Natalia Oreiro):Un sue?o se convierte en realidadNothing can stop you reach up for the starsBelieve it (oh oh hey)You got to keep the fight(Oh oh hey, oh oh oh hey)(Natalia Oreiro):С честью под единым небомПрозвучат напевомГолоса всех странToda Rusia se iluminaLlena de alegr?aIt`s your time to rise(Natalia Oreiro):Поднимите руки вверх (yeah)Put your hands upCome on, show your spiritAs? es la magia del mundial (yeah)Everyone around the world can feel itMake it the best game of your life (oh oh)Que la paz sea nuestra banderaNo hay fronteras, let’s unite (yeah)Hoy ganamos, todos somos unoUnited by loveПоехали! Россия!Я вас люблю, Россия!Uuuu-haaaДавайте! Da-na-da-na!(Natalia Oreiro):Поднимите руки вверх (yeah)Put your hands upCome on, show your spiritAs? es la magia del mundial (yeah)Everyone around the world can feel itMake it the best game of your life (oh oh)Que la paz sea nuestra banderaNo hay fronteras, let’s unite (yeah)Hoy ganamos, todos somos unoUnited by love

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