Eva Simons — Policeman (ft. Konshens, Mr)

Hey, mister policemanI don’t want no troubleI just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorHey, mister policemanWhy you wanna holla at me?I just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorBring ’em downNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessHey, mister policemanI don’t want no troubleI just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorHey, mister policemanWhy you wanna holla at me?I just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorBring ’em downNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorHey, mister policemanLeave her aloneMek she whine mash up the townLook how she sexy, look how she roundGive her the whining crownHer body illegal, her whining illegalHer style is so lethal, yeaaaShe ain’t a regular kind a gyalYa! Yea! Yea!Hey, mister policemanI don’t want no troubleI just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorHey, mister policemanWhy you wanna holla at me?I just wanna drop my jiggelin’ down to the floorNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorBring ’em downNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorSo I hit the road and end up in a yardy partyBaby was moving like like a naughty shortyNeed discipline, I need disciplineNeed to put me on a lockdown no visitingBring ’em down yeaHandcuffs maintain the connectionThis baton is a rod of correctionDiscipline, I need disciplineNeed to put her on a lockdown no visitingNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floorNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arrest badman mind ya bizzNo arresta baddaman mind ya businessDown to the floor

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