Emeli Sand? — Honest

We may live again, but hey now, maybe notSo if you love someone, give it all you’ve gotTime is easy spent, but it can’t be boughtSo stop acting as if tomorrow’s promisedStop acting as if you can’t be honest, honestHonest with yourselfNever let the tide of change wash away the dream you’ve dreamtDon’t get left wondering where the summer went’Cause if not now, then come on darling, tell me whenStop acting as if tomorrow’s promisedStop acting as if you can’t be honest, honestHonest with yourselfStop acting as if tomorrow’s promisedStop acting as if you can’t be honest, honestHonest with yourselfBreathe in, breathe out, don’t hold it inLet fear fall down, let love beginBe brave, be bold with no regretsTry something that scares you a bitWrite your own song and sing it loudLove who you are, stand tall, stand proudKeep the good and lose the restIf you know your truth, say it with your chestDon’t care so much what people thinkMost wouldn’t care if you float or sinkJust know the ones who love you mostTreat them right and keep them closeAnd savour every breath and cherish every day’Cause the sun’s here now, but the moon is on the wayDon’t get too caught up dwelling in your yesterdayStop acting as if tomorrow’s promisedStop acting as if you can’t be honest

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