Steve Aoki — Can’t Go Home Like This (ft. Adam Lambert, Felix Jaehn)

Can’t go home tonight ’til I work it out with youStanding on the edge of something we can’t afford to loseSay you wanna leave, wanna leaveGot my heart on a string behind youWe are locked without a key, out a keyAnd I’m just trying to get throughWhen the bed’s half-made and the light’s blown outWe can build our fate over hollow groundOpen up the cage, let the birds fly outCause we can’t go homeLike thisLike, like, like, likeCause we can’t go home like thisI wanna fall down the kaleidoscope with youWe gotta fix up the hearts we broke, before we doSay you wanna leave, wanna leaveBut I’m just trying to get throughWhen the bed’s half-made and the light’s blown outWe can build our fate over hollow groundOpen up the cage, let the birds fly outCause we can’t go home like thisNo we can’t go home like thisNo we can’t go home like thisNot like thisCan’t go home like thisYeahLike, like, like, likeLike thisCan’t go home like thisCan’t go home like, like thisNo we can’t go home like this

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